How did we added quote action in UBS?

This is how we ended up,

Adding Quote action in our bucket of UBS CHAT for you.๐Ÿ™‚

1 day,

I was discussing with

Project developing team for next improvements in UBS CHAT.

Everyone was allowed to speak.

Whatever they feel can share and can be considered if it’s reasonable.

One by one, all started sharing.

And I was noting it down.

Finally, a One UBSian said by raising his hand

“Sir, me ek baat batau…”

I said, “Jaroor, jaroor batayiye.”

He said: 

“Sir, I noticed one thing which is not there in our chat box.”

I took seat, He added,

“In WhatsApp web, as soon as you double tap on empty space of message box, that message gets quoted, Where in our chat box, people have to go to more action .”

This brought a smile to my face

And everyone clapped for him.

We executed it.

& found great reviews from beta customers for this.

The best idea,

always come from the discussion. ๐Ÿ™‚


Measure what matters

Learning from “Measure What Matters” by John Doerr

I have finished reading “Measure what Matters” last month . After finishing the book, I was at a different level of the thinking process and dancing with joy. I was happy and I was sad also. I was happy because i have found a process which I was looking from a long time. I was sad because that I haven’t found this book before.

Now let’s come to main points. there are few take away from book which i have start using in daily routine and start implementing.

  1. define the long-term purpose of your life or business. live with purpose and work for it.
  2. stay focus when you are working on day to day activity. make sure that you are doing something today which belongs to your long-term goal or purpose.
  3. Think Big. Dream Big. Work for it.
  4. Give Feedback and take feedback.
  5. Have one to one conversations with your team member.
  6. Recognize key contributors in your team or organizations.
  7. Learn the OKRs – that’s a game-changer.
  8. OKRs bring team alignment and Connections
  9. OKRs & CFR will improve your organization’s culture

Now I have build habit of reading two book per month. Feb 2021 is belongs to two new books.

  1. Hooked by Nir Eyal
  2. No Rules Rules by Reed Hastings

Go out of your Comfort zone: pain vs suffering.

How many times did you hear this type of line within your mind or someone has told you.
– I’m doing the first time.
– I don’t have knowledge of this topic or this area.
– I’m still learning it.

Having the above thought it normal because you are doing something which is out of our comfort zone. when you are working with tasks that are out of your comfort zone then your mind have fear. fear of that what if I will not able to complete it and fail in that task or work. due to fear people give up on the task.

When we are giving up on any task/work due to fear or its out of our comfort zone then you are not able to do progress in our life. Give up give us suffering which we remember for a long time. it will affect our mental health & confidence.

let’s see the case where you take the pain of working on out of your comfort zone task, learning something new & not giving up on our task/work. when completed task successfully, you feel accomplish which brings you happiness and confidence.

someone has said. “if you want to go out of your comfort zone then you have to take the pain and which will give you happiness. if you give up in between then it will give you suffering which you remember for your lifetime.

You have to choose Pain vs Suffering.

Happy Valentine’s Artoonist!

Many people will have a smile on face with thinking that Alpesh wising Valentine’s day to wrong people. No, Iโ€™m wising to correct people as per my view. All of you guys are valentines for me. So I really wish happy Valentine to all of you guys. Someone has written that valentine is just day to show your love but We live valentine day in our daily life! So live life with your valentines!

Thatโ€™s all we did talk about love in life! Now when we come to professional life Valentine teach us many lessons. Here are those Lessons.

1. Commitment! – in life, we are committed to our life partner and in Professional life, we are committed to our goal and our project and our deadline. We live a commitment to our project when we are doing work on that.

2. Express your love! – As I said above that we live our commitment with our partner and now valentines day is to express our love and that way only Release date is our Valentines. We work for the project and the release date is our Valentines.

Once Again Happy Valentines day to all of Artoonist and live a life of commitment and express your love daily!